Change the default invoice template

ⓘ This article is for small businesses who use Xero

  • Select a default invoice template for new invoices, credit notes, quotes, and purchase orders.

How it works

  • Drag your preferred invoice template to the top of the page to make it the default.

  • The default template set for a contact overrides the organisation's default.

  • Customer statements use the organisation’s default template. You can manually change it to your preferred template.

  • If you’re invoicing a contact group, your organisation’s default template is used. Leave the Branding field blank to apply the contact's default template when you create draft invoices.

  • You need the adviser or standard user role to change the default template.

Update the default invoice template

  1. Click the organisation name, then select Settings.

  2. Click Invoice settings.

  3. Find the template you want as the default.

  4. Click the invoice template name and drag it to the top of the page.

    Image showing a branding theme dragged on top of another.

Next time you add an invoice, credit note, quote, or purchase order, the new default template is automatically shown in the Branding field.

Apply default invoice template to a contact

If you've set up more than one invoice template, select a default template for a contact. You can override the theme when creating new transactions.

  1. In the Contacts menu, select All contacts.

  2. Next to the contact you want to apply the default template to, click the menu icon Image showing menu icon, then select Edit.

  3. Click Sales defaults.

  4. Under Branding theme, select a template to use as the default template.

  5. Click Save & close.

The default invoice template set for the contact will override the organization’s default template when you add an invoice, quote, customer credit note, or purchase order for the contact.



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