ⓘ This article is for small businesses who use Xero
- If you delete a repeating invoice template, Xero stops creating new invoices from it.
- Any invoices already generated from the template are unaffected.
About deleting a repeating invoice template
If you want to permanently stop a repeating invoice template from generating new invoices, delete the repeating template.
If you just want to stop generating repeating invoices temporarily, add an end date to the template. To start generating the invoices again, remove the end date.
To delete repeating templates, you need to have the invoice only + sales, invoice only + approve and pay, standard or adviser user role. If you have the invoice only + draft user role, you can delete templates you've created.
Delete a repeating invoice template
- In the Business menu, select Invoices.
Select the Repeating tab.
- Select the checkbox next to the template you want to delete.
Click Delete.
- Click OK to confirm.
You can also delete a repeating template by opening the template, then clicking Delete.
You can open the deleted template from within an invoice generated by it, by clicking the link in the banner to view the repeating template.