Set up and add invoice reminders

ⓘ This article is for small businesses who use Xero  

  • Turn on automatic invoice reminders to send customers an email when an invoice payment is either due or overdue.

  • Create up to five invoice reminders to send out to your customers.

Before you start

Make sure you:

  • Have a current email address in your Xero contacts for each customer you want to send reminders to.

  • Mark any invoices you want reminders for as sent.

  • Have the adviser or standard user role.

Any customer replies go to the login email of the person that first turns reminders on. You can edit this address.

Turn on invoice reminders

If you want to use invoice reminders for your organization, Xero has three default reminders set up for you to use. All you have to do is turn invoice reminders on.

To turn reminders on for your organization:

  1. In the Business menu, select Invoices.

  2. Click Invoice Reminders: Off.

  3. Select the Email customers when an invoice is checkbox.

    Xero’s default reminders are now set up to send out for overdue invoices. You can customize these to suit your organization.

  4. (Optional) Select the Include button to online invoice and detail summary checkbox to include the online invoice link, amount due, due date, and invoice ID in the email header for all reminders.
  5. (Optional) Select the Include a link to the invoice PDF checkbox to include PDF invoice links in all reminders.

  6. (Optional) Select the Don't send reminders for amounts owing on an invoice under checkbox, then enter an amount.

  7. Click Save. Xero will send out the reminders you have set up for all invoices marked as sent.

If you choose to include PDF links or not send reminders for smaller amounts, your settings are applied to all reminders.

Add invoice reminders

If you want extra reminders to go out, such as a reminder which lets your customers know when an invoice's due date is approaching, you can add these. You can create up to five reminders.

To add an invoice reminder:

  1. In the Business menu, select Invoices.
  2. Click Invoice Reminders: Off.
  3. Select the Email customers when an invoice is checkbox if it's clear.
  4. Click Add reminder. If you want the reminder sent:
    • Before the due date, from Send if an invoice is select due in.
    • After the due date, from Send if an invoice is select overdue by.
  5. Enter the number of days before or after the invoice is due that you want the reminder sent at. To send a reminder on the day the invoice is due, set the number of days to 0.

    Image of setting up a reminder for an invoice due in 3 days.

  6. (Optional) Edit the email template and insert placeholders (place your cursor in the template, click Insert placeholder and select the placeholder you want).

  7. Click Save. Your new invoice reminder is now set up and will send out for invoices that are marked as sent.



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