View outstanding invoices on Xero Accounting app

  1. Overview
  2. Invoices & Quotes
  3. Manage invoices you send
  4. View outstanding invoices on Xero Accounting app

ⓘ This article is for small businesses who use Xero  

  • View, sort and filter outstanding invoices on the Xero Accounting app to see the amounts your customers owe, and how long the payments have been outstanding.

How it works

  • The outstanding invoices panel on the Xero Accounting app shows you the total value of invoices owed to you, and how much is overdue and due as at today's date. 
  • Tap the panel to view the outstanding invoices screen. You can see the total amount each customer owes you under Customers owing.
  • Sort your customers by total amount owed, overdue or due.
  • You can view all unpaid invoices for a customer or filter the list to show due or overdue invoices, or invoices based on their ageing period. The outstanding invoices includes credit notes and prepayments.
  • If you use multicurrency, invoice amounts always show in the converted amount of your organisation's base currency.
  • The total owed value and list of outstanding invoices only include invoices dated up to today's date. Any future dated invoices aren't included.

View outstanding invoices for a customer

You can view a summary of all invoices that’s outstanding for a customer or view a specific invoice in detail.

iOs Android
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Outstanding invoices.
  2. (Optional) To sort the customer list, under Customers owing, tap the arrow next to Sort by totalled owed, then select an option.
  3. Find the customer you want to view the invoices for, then tap View all invoices.
  4. (Optional) Tap the arrow next to All invoices, then select to filter by due or overdue invoices, or based on their ageing period.
  5. To view an invoice in detail, tap the invoice you want to view.
  1. From the Dashboard, tap Outstanding invoices.
  2. (Optional) To sort the customer list, under Customers owing, tap the arrow next to Sort by totalled owed, then select an option.
  3. Find the customer you want to view the invoices for, then tap View all invoices.
  4. (Optional) Tap the arrow next to All invoices, then select to filter by due or overdue invoices, or based on their ageing period.
  5. To view an invoice in detail, tap the invoice you want to view.



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